How to use wildcard character in a SQL query

What is the wildcard character in a SQL query?

SQL wildcards can be used when searching for data in a database. SQL wildcards are used with the LIKE operator, which acts as a comparison when searching the database. We will use the '%' and '_' wildcards in SQL Server. Wildcards are used in SQL to match a string pattern

 Percent sign (%)

   select * from Employee where name like 'b%'
   It will show record of name which start with b

   select * from Employee where name like '%b'
    It will show record of name which end with b

   select * from Employee where name like '%st%' --
   It will Pick up the record from middel ,last or first


   select * from Employee where user_id like '_eha'
   It will show record of user_id which end with last three matching characters
   select * from Employee where user_id like '_e_a'
   select * from Employee where user_id like '_e_a'
   select * from Employee where user_id like '[lnr]%'
   select * from Employee where user_id like '[!lnr]%' --not like
   select * from Employee where user_id like '[a-n]%'


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